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OFT Locals

The Ohio Federation of Teachers represents more than 20,000 members in 55 local unions across the state that include public education employees, higher education faculty and support staff, and public employees. They include:

Arcadia Teachers Organization, Local 4783

Arlington Teachers Association, Local 4564

Beachwood Educational Interpreters Union, Local 6358

Beachwood Federation of Teachers, Local 1468

Beachwood Union of Support Staff (BUSS), Local 6840

Belmont College Faculty Association, Local 6571

Berea Federation of Teachers, Local 1699

Botkins Federation of Teachers, Local 4484

Bright Promise Educators United, Local 6608

Brookfield Federation of Teachers, Local 1728

Buckeye Local Education Association, Local 4595

Cincinnati Federation of Teachers Retired, Local 1520-R

Cincinnati Federation of Teachers/CFOP, Local 1520

Clear Fork Valley Education Association, Local 4109

Cleveland Alliance of Charter Teachers and Staff (ACTS), Local 6570

Cleveland Heights Teachers Union, Local 795

Northeast Ohio Retired, Local 279-R

Cleveland Teachers Union, Local 279

Cory-Rawson Education Association, Local 4427

Cory-Rawson Support Staff Union, Local 6356

Crestview Employees' Association, Local 4989

Crooksville Federation of Teachers, Local 4988

Cuyahoga Valley Federation of Teachers, Local 2371

Equitas Health Workers United, Local 6609

Federation of Franklin County Children Services Employees, Local 3143

Genoa Area Education Association, Local 4741

Georgetown Federation of Teachers, Local 4903

Grand Valley Education Association, Local 4910

Grandview Heights Public Library United, Local 6607

Greenon Federation of Teachers, Local 4370

Jackson-Milton Educators' Association, Local 4968

KIPP Columbus Alliance of Charter Teachers and Staff (ACTS), Local 6614

Liberty-Benton Teachers Association, Local 4943

Lordstown Teachers Association, Local 3789

Mahoning County Educational Service Center Employees Association, Local 4726

Miami Valley Career Technology Center Employees Association, Local 4575

Mineral Ridge Education Association, Local 6438

New Knoxville Education Association, Local 4782

New Lebanon Federation of Teachers, Local 4468

New Lexington Federation of Teachers, Local 4186

Newton Falls Classroom Teachers Association, Local 4864

Northmor Teachers Association, Local 4132

Ontario Federation of Teachers, Local 1703

Oregon City Federation of Teachers, Local 1080

Owens Faculty Association, Local 4670

Owens Support Staff Union, Local 6325

Port Clinton Federation of Teachers, Local 3217

Strasburg Education Association, Local 4733

Terra Faculty Association, Local 4719

Toledo Federation of Teachers Retired, Local 250-R

Toledo Federation of Teachers, Local 250

Triad Education Association, Local 4970

United Faculty/Central Ohio Technical College, Local 4729

Van Wert Federation of Teachers, Local 4088

Vanguard-Sentinel Education Association, Local 6078

Vanlue Teachers Association, Local 4690

Vantage Teachers Organization, Local 4321

Warren County JVS Teachers Association, Local 4474

Worthington Public Libraries United, Local 6606

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